> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert R 
> Schneck-McConnell
> Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 7:15 PM
> To: cygwin@cygwin.com
> Cc: Reinhold May
> Subject: Re: ssl on ssmtp
> Two general points:
> (1) Don't e-mail cygwin package maintainers directly; use the 
> mailing list.  Some maintainers don't like private e-mail, 
> and it helps to have things in the archive.
> (2) Read the package README files in /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/.
> On Fri, 3 Dec 2004, Reinhold May wrote:
> >    I've been using ssmtp quite successfully for  some  time 
>  now but 
> > I've just recently found out  that  my  email  provider  
> now supports 
> > smtp over ssl and I'd really like to use that.
> >
> >    Not finding any maintainer homepage for ssmtp,  I  
> thought  I just 
> > try to contact you as the maintainer of the cygwin  version 
> (and maybe 
> > that's the only version there is?).
> The upstream source is the Debian package at 
> http://packages.debian.org/testing/mail/ssmtp
> (Hmm; looks like it's time for an upgrade)
> >    First of all, I don't know if the cygwin configuration is  by 
> > default configured with '--enable-ssl' as it  definitely  wasn't 
> > configured with '--enable-logfile' so I wonder,  if  I  have  to 
> > compile a new version in the first place (if it's in, I don't).
> It does not have --enable-ssl on by default; this question is 
> answered in /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/ssmtp*README
> Perhaps ssmtp should --enable-ssl by default?  Opinions?

I vote yes.  You aren't forced to use it, and the necessary DLLs (cygcrypto
and cygssl) will probably be needed for some other program anyway, so you
really aren't increasing download size any.

("So this is how bloat begins, with roaring applause." ;-))

> >    Secondly,  I  tried  to  compile  'ssmtp'   configured   with
> > '--enable-ssl' and the  linker  gives  me  the  following  error
> > message:
> >
> >    ssmtp.o(.text+0x1716): In function `smtp_open':
> >    /usr/src/ssmtp-2.60.9-3/ssmtp.c:1119: undefined reference to 
> > `_X509_free'
> >
> >    I commented the line out and I  got  an  executable  
> which  I could 
> > install and run,
> I don't know what the right fix would be.

This one lives in libcrypto.a.  The attached configure.in and an autoconf
solve the link error for me (don't know if it actually works yet).  All I
changed was this on line 55: LIBS="$LIBS -lssl -lcrypto"

Gary R. Van Sickle

Attachment: configure.in
Description: Binary data

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