On May 20 19:25, Jason Pearce wrote:
There was some recent discussion about serial ports and Perl.

But I did not see any resolution.
Did anyone end up porting either Win32::SerialPort or Win32API::CommPort as Reini suggested?

I need to talk to a thermometer via a serial link. The protocol is not very complex. Could I just use a system call to stty to set the baudrate and then pipe the thermometer comand to /dev/ttyS0 and read the response from /dev/ttyS0 using file handles?

Why don't you try it?


I will!
But there are that many variables when trying to get a serial link up (baud rates, parity, the type of flow control, the cable type), that I was hoping to get an idea if my expectations were at least plausible. If I know it should work I know to persist - but if you say "no thats not implemented" I know to try another method.


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