I have never touched /etc/profile which is a copy of
/etc/defaults/etc/profile dated Dec  7 20:53 and I think it belongs to
3.2-1 version of base-file which is dated Dec  7 19:52 (I upgrade Cygwin

I want to underline that until some weeks ago the problems with BKSPACE
were absent.

I repeat again that the BKSPACE problems are present only when some
command ask for something (like rm -i etc., or ssh when it ask for
password) and only in standard
bash-shell and xterm (that is started with startxwin.bat). Using RXVT
(e.g. rxvt -e /bin/bash --login) does not give any problem.

Now I have discovered that also my applications show those problems.
I have prepared a simple program:


using namespace std;

int main()
   int i;

   cout << "i : ";
   cin >> i;

   cout << i << endl;

   return 0;

$ ./foo.exe
i : 12345[backspace]6<return>

(also the fortran, g77-g95, versions give the some results)

typing BKSPACE move the cursor on "5" without deleting it, typing "6"
overwrites "5" (12346), but the value that it reads is not 12346 but
12345, as the output says! In this way one cannot correct any more.
In /etc/profile erase is set to ^? and if I type (but only in xterm not in
standard bash shell) ^? i.e. [ctrl]? instead of BKSPACE it deletes the
"5" and writing "6" it reads the corect value 12346! 

Now I have realized that with "stty erase ^H" I can resolve, but it does
not look an elegant solution to me.

Why until some weeks ago all worked fine?
What is changed?
Is it possible that others application have changed some keys in
registry? Which?

Unfortunately I do not remember when this  "transition" arose.

I remember you that I have found those BKSpace problems also reinstalling
Cygwin from scratch with only the BASE packages installed.

Thank you (and I am afraid for annoying you).

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