On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 09:01:17PM +0200, Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
>>I am assuming that there should be a release\libintl3 with a 
>>libintl3/libintl3-0.14.1-1 file in it.  Shouldn't there?  If not, why 
>>doesn't setup show it  when I switch it to FULL mode?
>Since libintl is part of gettext there is no dir release/libintl3 but
>the dir release/gettext/libintl3.

This was also another thing which was implicit in my message but there
is no reason to anyone to have to know that.  The only thing a user has
to know is "run setup.exe to install a package".  Messing around with
mirrors and directories isn't really a good idea unless you are familiar
with the "complexities" of cygwin package management.


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