On Apr 29 15:36, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Apr 29 18:50, Moghe, Jayant wrote:
> > I there any way where I can avail paid support?
> Sure, but isn't it easier to report your problem somewhat more detailed
> and see if you get a free (as in "free beer") reply within a couple of
> days?

For the records:  I tried to reproduce your problem with a 2K3 Server
machine running terminal services.  Logging in via remote desktop with
a non-admin acocunt, I was able to use bash and any other tool just fine.

This is with Cygwin 1.5.16.  Did you upgrade?  Perhaps that helps.
Other than that, I found that bash can be somewhat obdurate if the
/tmp directory is not writable for the user.  I suggest to change
the permissions with

 chmod 1777 /tmp


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
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