maggi wrote:

> I have installed cygwin, and I am able to launch the console with the
> promt
> bash2.05b$
> But when entering ls or other comands, I get always
> bash-2.05b$ ls
> bash: ls: command not found
> bash-2.05b$ dir
> bash: dir: command not found

That's strange,  I think the command ls comes in the coreutils package and that
is one of the default installed packages... so, unless you unselected it it, you
should have it.

> Can you give at hand a bassic comand syntax to test the insatllation?
> Thanks, Maggy


cygcheck -c coreutils

the result normally is something like this:

Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version        Status
coreutils            5.3.0-5        OK

if you don't have this package run setup.exe again, this time make sure that the
default packages are installed.  The default packages are automatically selected
to be installed.
René Berber

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