Simon wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to cygwin and my main goal is to get the JTAG stuff working over 
> LPT1 
> on a PC.
> I wonder if anyone has installed it and got it working. I tried jtag v0.4 and 
> it didnÂt work.
> Also I have tried the 0.5.1 version and the screen dump is shown below. I 
> have 
> modified the KeithKoep cable.c file to show exactly where it fails hence 
> the "SJM: KK cable.c can not do parport_open" text which is my insert.
> ... 
> SJM: KK cable.c can not do parport_open
> Error: Cable initialization failed!
> jtag>
> Have I completely messed up? Do I need to install something to enable 
> parallel 
> port support too? Is it very complex or very simple to access the parallel 
> port directly under cygwin as the JTAG sources try to do?
> "lpr -d lpt1:" does seem to take input from the console OK.

I've not used this JTAG package, but others using the parallel port
which I have used require the ioperm package.  Also, you probably need
to run the application under a user with administrator rights.

-- Cliff

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