>   Well, that was my next step, but I'm off home for the evening.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /artimi> cd /proc/registry
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /proc/registry/HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT> cd \*
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /proc/registry/HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/*> ls
> AlwaysShowExt  InfoTip  OpenWithList  QuickTip  TileInfo  shellex
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /proc/registry/HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/*> cd InfoTip
> bash: cd: InfoTip: Not a directory
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /proc/registry/HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/*> cd QuickTip
> bash: cd: QuickTip: Not a directory
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /proc/registry/HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/*> cd ..
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /proc/registry/HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT> cd .386/
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /proc/registry/HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/.386> cd [TAB-TAB]
> @                  PerceivedType      PersistentHandler
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /proc/registry/HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/.386> cd PersistentHandler/
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /proc/registry/HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/.386/PersistentHandler> ls
> @
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /proc/registry/HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/.386/PersistentHandler> 
> cat @
> {098f2470-bae0-11cd-b579-08002b30bfeb} [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> /proc/registry/HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/
>   It does look as if there's a dll bug preventing it from changing into
> subdirs when there's an asterisk in the path.  Dunno why it doesn't go on to
> iterate the rest of the /proc tree, although if you try "find /proc -xdev"
> it does enumerate more of the top-level.

Works for me:
$ cd /proc/registry/HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/\*
$ ls -F
AlwaysShowExt  InfoTip  shellex/
$ cat InfoTip
$ cd shellex
$ /bin/pwd

The problem in your demo is that not all registry entries are keys - some 
(including hkcr/*/InfoTip) are values.  In /proc/registry, registry keys map to 
directories, registry values map to files, and the contents of the values are 
found by reading the files.

Eric Blake

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