Well, "Anonymous" was right, I just didn't read your mail further after
I saw the usage of \\\\.\\physicaldrive1,  I apologize.

I never heard of such a 1TB border which would result in problems.
However, due to the lack of such a big drive, I can't debug that, obviously.

On Apr 13 18:47, Loh, Joe wrote:
> Same command but using /dev/sdb instead:
> $ dd if=/dev/sdb ibs=1024 skip=1610612600 count=10 | od -x
> dd: reading `/dev/sdb': Invalid request code
> 0+0 records in
> 0+0 records out
> 0000000

What's weird here is that the "Invalid request code" is never generated
manually by Cygwin, but only when some Windows call returns the error
code ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION.  So it's a Windows function which chokes.

Could you please run the above dd under strace and send the strace output
to this list?  Perhaps that helps to track this down.  


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
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