----Original Message----
>From: Oliver Vecernik
>Sent: 15 April 2005 09:57

>>   Anyway, it could also be a permissions problem: maybe because its a
>> restricted user, the child process is in some way prevented from
>> accessing the object created by the parent and it can't notify it.  But
>> that's just guesswork.  I think your next most informative option might
>> be to use "strace -t"; that should let you see if there are any obvious
>> errors occurring in the child.
> I don't know how to use this command, because I can't start any command
> within this user. Changing to another account I can't check it, because
> everthing works as expected. What exactly can I try?

  You can strace a program from a DOS prompt.  Cd into the cygwin bin
directory, and issue a command such as

strace -f -o strace.log -w --mask=all -b 204800 bash.exe --login -i

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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