*** WARNING: huge graphic: 5155x1151 pixels *** http://dessent.net/cygwin/cygpackages.png
You can also try the pdf version, which you can actually zoom into and read the names of each node. The png file would be absolutely enormous if it was readable. You have to keep zooming quite a bit to get it readable though. http://dessent.net/cygwin/cygpackages.pdf
I output such graphs as svg normally. dot -Tsvg ... More interesting would be the script to create the dependency graph dotfile.
I also often use java applets to represent such huge graphs dynamically. HyperWiki and HyperApplet. http://hypergraph.sf.net/
-- Reini Urban http://xarch.tu-graz.ac.at/home/rurban http://phpwiki.org
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