On Tue, 5 Apr 2005, Brian Dessent wrote:

> The problem with all this is that the winpcap DLLs are compiled with
> Mingw and depend on msvcrt, so if you want to use them with Cygwin apps
> you have to recompile them to use cygwin1.dll.  If you don't do this,
> the libpcap application (Net::Pcap in this case) will compile but fail
> to run correctly.

Just curious what this really means.  I use the winpcap DLLs daily in a
Cygwin appliction (custom, not Perl) without incident.  Am I just lucky?

Brian Ford
Senior Realtime Software Engineer
VITAL - Visual Simulation Systems
FlightSafety International
the best safety device in any aircraft is a well-trained pilot...

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