Greetings all: I am new to this list and to cygwin so please excuse some basic questions... I installed cygwin from setup.exe from the main site but noticed that many commands are missing -- not surprising -- what is the best way to populate my various bins? where do i get the commands? I could poke around more but on my first go-round i did not find what I was looking for. Also when bash starts up it is put in /usr/bin, and $HOME is set to /home/myLoginName -- which is fine, but that directory isn't there so I had to create it. PATH als is set up to look in cygdriver/... or whatever (can't remember now) so I am wondering if I have neglected to install something before running this first setup program... Also when I exit bash it says "logout" which implies that it is interpreting that shell as a login shell which in turn implies that I should be able to use a .login or .profile as the case may be -- how do I provide some kind of initialization when I start cygwin? Thanks in advance for any pointers! gl
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