At 10:09 PM 3/31/2005, Larry Hall wrote:
> At 01:48 PM 3/31/2005, you wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >With cygwin1.dll version 1.5.13 exit codes to Windows (I use W2K and XP)
> >changed by a factor of 256 (shift of 8 bits) as mentioned in the 2 messages
> >cited below. I have processes running under Windows shells that run several
> >days, doing a lot of steps (both unix tools like gawk, head, sort etc. and
> >compiled c-programs) fully automatically. Flow control heavily relies on
> >codes (%errorlevel% in Windows). The codes were introduced according to the
> >exit codes of the previous versions of the cygwin-libraries that put into
> >%errorlevel% exactly what was provided by exit(). With the upgrade to 1.5.13
> >the exit codes changed by a factor of 256, and since Windows XP uses 16 bit
> >codes, are now limited to a maximum value of 255.
> >
> >Before I check and change many hundreds of lines of *.bat files: Will this
> >return code behaviour change again in the future or can I assume this will
> >last?
> Current snapshots have the following change applied:
> - Right shift exit code by eight when not started in a cygwin environment
> If you want to see if this helps in your situation, try a recent snapshot
> (<>).
Thanks! A quick test proves that cygwin1-20050404.dll solves the problem
Thank you once again!

Wolfgang Rieger

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