Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Wed, Mar 30, 2005 at 09:57:44AM -0800, Jim Kleckner wrote:

Then strike the link text and limit it to the workaround of adding
the bin to the system path.   My text was a suggested starting point.

i.e., a workaround.

The solution that the DLL has to be in the system path is not required
for a sanctioned Cygwin release.  But, then, we've seen before that
clamwin insists on running in a non-cygwin environment.  I don't want to
be in the business of adding advice to the FAQ for fixing up other
people's problems.

Nobody said the workaround was required.

See above.

Above does not say the workaround is required nor did the original text.

You complain about 3PPs but don't want to provide any easily found
directions to them about what not to do.  You can say "search
the list" but as a practical matter, it isn't effective at guiding
their behavior.

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