I inadvertently sent the mail only to Joe, so I'm posting it to the
list. My apologies for the inconvenience.
--- Begin Message ---
Joe Buehler wrote:
Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
I think the OP is asking whether you plan to move 21.3.50-2 out of [test]
and into [curr]. Unless what your actually said meant that 21.2 is the
latest official version of GNU Emacs, and once 21.3.50 is released,
make that the [curr] version?
21.3.50 is a development branch that they've been working on for
at least a couple years now. Once it's done, I will release it with
whatever version number they give it.
21.4 was recently released but is supposedly just a bugfix release,
so I have no immediate plans to release a copy. It may not even
be easily doable since it probably does not have the Cygwin port
applied to it.
21.3.50 is probably a misnomer now that 21.4 has appeared. It has
probably been renamed to 21.5.50, but I haven't checked.
Speaking of 21.3.50, I'm using it only because of the emacs-leim
package, which I've found useful for writing spanish documents when
using english-only keyboards. Isn't there, by chance, an emacs-leim
package for one of the [curr] 21.2 emacses?
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--- End Message ---
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