On Fri, Mar 04, 2005 at 05:52:46PM -0000, Max Bowsher wrote:
> Will Parsons wrote:
> >I have cygwin 1.5.13 installed on the my WinXP machine at work.  The IT
> >department apparently has recently installed Cisco Security Agent and now
> >when I run setup.exe I get a warning message that setup.exe "tried to make
> >system call from self-modifying code" and that this may mean the program
> >has been subverted by a buffer overflow attack.
> >
> >Is this true and if so is it something I should worry about?
> setup.exe does contain some legitimate self-modifying code (in autoload.c 
> if anyone is interested).
> So, it's fairly likely this is a false alarm.
> Max.

Hmmm... I just tried running http://www.cygwin.com/setup.exe from my
computer at Cisco and the security agent did not report any warnings...

I don't want to be alarming but maybe you should investigate a bit

At what time during the execution/installation did the warning appear?

My machine is running Win2K with all latest updates
Cygwin's setup.exe reports version 2.457.2.2
Cisco Security Agent reports version 4.0-2 build 627


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