----Original Message----
>From: Andrew Waltman
>Sent: 03 March 2005 15:12

> Hi,
> I frequently start multiple copies of bash at the same time when first
> logging in to my computer. As of the latest update of the cygwin package
> when I start more than one bash at the same time (without waiting for the
> prompt to appear in the first one) I get a stack dump in the second
> window: 
> andreww:~/p4/ex70 $ bash
> Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=61056D4D
> eax=42272844 ebx=00000000 ecx=0A030000 edx=00000000 esi=0022E270
> edi=00000A80
> ebp=0022E328 esp=0022E210 program=C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe, pid 2696, thread
> main
> cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000 ss=0023
> Stack trace:
> Frame     Function  Args
> 0022E328  61056D4D  (0022E480, 0022E484, 0022E488, 0022E330)

[FAQ ENTRY Alert!]

  Don't even bother posting stackdump files.  They're of no use to anyone
else if you don't have debug info in your version of the cygwin dll, and if
you do then they're only of any direct use to you.

  If you _do_ have a debug version of the dll, then you can run "addr2line
--exe=/bin/cygwin1.dll", and cut and paste the second column of numbers
(under the "Function" header) into it when it's running; that will give you
references to the source code file and line of every function in the call
stack (but only from the point where your executable entered the cygwin dll;
not within the exe itself).

  If you don't have the .dll with debug info already in it (and the standard
cygwin install packages the .dll without debug info), it's a pretty hopeless
task to try rebuilding it with debug info enabled.  The chances of
everything being so exactly the same between builds that every function ends
up in the exact same memory location in the newly-built dll as it was
located at in the old dll are next to zero.  So there's absolutely no use in
showing those numbers to anyone else either.  The only way they could be
useful is to someone who had the exact same version of the .dll as you did,
only with debug info already in it.

> However, if I wait for eash instance of bash to come to a command prompt I
> can start the 2nd, 3rd, etc. bash window. This behavior started after
> updating the cygwin library to the latest revision (1.5.13).

  I'm running with current code (built from CVS earlier today) and I can't
reproduce this.  I can fire up a dozen or more windows simultaneously and
they all have no problems while running through their profile/.rc startup

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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