On Feb 28 06:28, Eric Blake wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> According to Tom Hall on 2/27/2005 2:50 PM:
> > 
> > You're right. After rebooting, the floppy seek stuff came back with df.
> > Back to "subst a: c:" in my cygwin.bat :-( 
> So, what are the symptoms of the df floppy seek stuff?  Which version of
> coreutils are you using?  More details would be nice, so I can determine
> if it is normal behavior or if I need to patch df.

The problem is that the mount table returns these automatic /cygdrive
mounts.  If there's a drive a available, a /cygdrive/a mount is returned.
df checks all drives with statfs (or whatever), which results in
accessing all drives mentioned in the moun table.  Accessing a floppy
drive always results in the "is a floppy in the drive" check in Windows.


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