Ariel Burbaickij wrote:

> xchat in binary form as provided by cygnome requires libperl.dll  in
> some particular
> version (5.6.1) in my case. File is not available in my installation
> and the version
> of perl used is considerably higher 5.8. So well the simple symlink
> from libperl.5.8.1.dll.a
> work or is the required version the only thing that will be accepted.
> If yes, is anyone
> aware of any trustworthy places where I can get it?

As far as I know cygnome is an independent project that is seperate from
the main Cygwin project, so you should be asking on their mailing list
about packages that you get from them.

Indeed the naming of the perl dll has changed recently.  I think the
reasoning was so that minor version updates (e.g. x in 5.8.x) could
happen without needing to install perl in a seperate directory for each
version.  Or something like that.

Anyway, I doubt a symlink will work because windows itself loads the
DLLs (unless the app uses dlopen()) and windows does not understand
Cygwin symlinks.

The easiest solution is just to get the source of the xchat package and
recompile.  The source should be available at whatever place you got the
binary from, and should include all necessary patches to build under

But again, this list only supports official cygwin packages which xchat
is not, so really you should redirect your question to the mailing
list/forum/newsgroup/whatever of the cygnome project.


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