On 2/18/2005 11:03 AM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Fri, Feb 18, 2005 at 10:43:49AM -0800, David Rothenberger wrote:

On 2/18/2005 10:41 AM, Christopher Faylor wrote:

I'm having a problem with the 20050215 snapshot (and the 20050131 as
well). My ssh-agent connection is not being forwarded by ssh. This is
working fine with the 20041119 snapshot.

I still can't duplicate this. Sorry.

Is SSH_AGENT_PID defined in your environment after the first ssh `hostname`?

No.  And, it shouldn't be.  SSH_AGENT_PID doesn't make any sense after
you've logged into a system.

Right. I was asking because the only way I could get this to work was to have SSH_AGENT_PID defined.

I'm seeing the problem on two different WinXP Pro machines and a Win2000 machine. I've tested with the default .profile and .bashrc files and with sh instead of bash. So, it doesn't appear to be something peculiar to my machine or environment.

I believe the problem is due to the new traverse checking. When I start ssh-agent the first time, I see the following in my /tmp directory:

% l /tmp
total 0
drwx------+ 2 drothe None 0 Feb 18 11:47 ssh-YwRaOw6140/

Since /tmp/ssh-YwRaOw6140 is owned by my user (drothe), the first ssh `hostname` has no problem accessing the ssh-agent socket.

After I do the first ssh `hostname`, I have the following:

% l /tmp
total 0
drwx------+ 2 SYSTEM root 0 Feb 18 11:50 ssh-AtsnfLH756/
drwx------+ 2 drothe None 0 Feb 18 11:47 ssh-YwRaOw6140/
% getfacl /tmp/ssh-AtsnfLH756/
# file: /tmp/ssh-AtsnfLH756/
# owner: SYSTEM
# group: root

Plus, SSH_AUTH_SOCK is set to the new directory:


srwxrwxrwx  1 drothe None 0 Feb 18 11:57 /tmp/ssh-AtsnfLH756/agent.756=
% getfacl $SSH_AUTH_SOCK
# file: /tmp/ssh-AtsnfLH756/agent.756
# owner: drothe
# group: None

With traverse checking enabled, my user (drothe) can't access /tmp/ssh-AtsnfLH756/agent.756, even though that file (socket?) has 777 permissions, since the /tmp/ssh-AtsnfLH756 directory is owned by SYSTEM and has 700 permissions. So, the next ssh `hostname` command prompts for a passphrase.

With traverse checking disabled, drothe can access /tmp/ssh-AtsnfLH756/agent.756 and the next ssh `hostname` command succeeds without prompting.

So, I can get this working by defining "CYGWIN=server notraverse" in my default environment as well as the sshd environment. Without the "notraverse" in the sshd environment, the test fails. I can also get it working by manually executing

% chown $USER $(dirname $SSH_AUTH_SOCK)

after the first ssh `hostname`.

David Rothenberger                spammer? -> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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