Luc Hermitte <hermitte <at>> writes:

> * On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 12:59:16AM +0000, Donald Hyun <hyungari <at>> wrote:
> > Larry Hall <lh-no-personal-replies-please <at>> writes:
> > [...]
> > fork: Permission denied
> > make[1]: fork: Permission denied
> > make[1]: vfork: Permission denied
> > make[1]: Leaving directory
> > '/cygdrive/d/Phevos/df/hardwl/modules/hwlgpm/srce'
> > make: *** [d:/Phevos/df/hardwl/modules/hwlgpm] Error 2
> > -----------------------------------------------
> > 
> > I have tested on cygwin 1.3.5, cygwin 1.5.9, 
> > and cygwin 1.5.12, but it's not solved.
> > After robooting windows XP, the script seems to work well. 
> > But during running the same message happens.
> > 
> > I don't want to format my note-pc. Is there any good idea?
> Are you using Agnitum Outpost Firewall ?
> Is so find another firewall that does not leak ressources.
> HTH,

I am not using Agnitum Outposr Firewall.

I run both cmd.exe and task manager. Then I run the build script.
When 'Permission denied' happens, the process in task manager are as follows.

System Idle Process  SYSTEM  98  16KB
taskmgr.exe          hyungari  01  5392KB
explorer.exe         hyungari  01  24888KB
cmd.exe              hyugari  00  1792KB
V3IMPro.exe          hyungari  00  812KB
monsvcnt.exe         SYSTEM  00  9128KB
wuauclt.exe          hyungari  00  7324KB
conime.exe           SYSTEM  00  2876KB
issch.exe            hyungari  00  1528KB
ictray.exe           hyungari  00  4928KB
monsysnt.exe         hyungari  00  4340KB
spoolsv.exe          SYSTEM  00 6208KB
svchost.exe          LOCAL SERVICE  00  7064KB
svchost.exe          NETWORK SERVICE  00  2176KB
svchost.exe          SYSTEM  00  21024KB
incops3.exe          SYSTEM  00  5900KB
svchost.exe          SYSTEM  00  3928KB
Isass.exe            SYSTEM  00  1724KB
services.exe         SYSTEM  00  3468KB
winlogon.exe         SYSTEM  00  4904KB
csrss.exe            SYSTEM  00  8028KB
smss.exe             SYSTEM  00  476KB
winfil32.exe         SYSTEM  00  2176KB
ATKOSD.exe           hyungari  00  3672KB
wcescomm.exe         hyungari  00 1476KB
ctfmon.exe           hyungari  00  3268KB
gateman.exe          SYSTEM  00  1368KB
v3p3at.exe           hyungari  00 1648KB
ati2evxx.exe         SYSTEM  00  3088KB
alg.exe              LOCAL SERVICE  00  4420KB
AhnSDsv.exe          SYSTEM  00  2048KB
fpdisp5a.exe         hyungari  00  4800KB
ahnsd.exe            hyungari  00 3072KB
Hcontrol.exe         hyungari  00  3760KB
System               SYSTEM  00  280KB

Is there any clue?

Thanks in advance.

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