Andrew Markebo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Anyone managed to share command line history between running zsh's in > latest cygwin's?
I don't use SHARE_HISTORY (just inc_append_history, hist_ignore_all_dups, hist_no_store and my history sizes are 100 times larger than yours), but... > setopt HISTIGNOREDUPS HISTIGNORESPACE EXTENDED_HISTORY > setopt INC_APPEND_HISTORY SHARE_HISTORY > HISTSIZE=300 > SAVEHIST=300 > HISTFILE=~/.history > > The last line, HISTFILE, freezes the cygwin-distributed zsh > (4.2.0) just after reading the config-files. Removing just that line ...after some cygwin update (a few months ago) my zshs also started freezing during startup. I tracked the problem down to HISTFILE being assigned a file that resides on a network drive (a Linux samba share in this case, I didn't try anything else). If I changed my history file to reside on a local hard drive, zsh no longer froze. Is your home directory on a local drive? -- Hannu -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: