Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
On Fri, 21 Jan 2005, Jonathan Arnold wrote:
Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
On Fri, 21 Jan 2005, Jonathan Arnold wrote:
1] Run "Day of Defeat" - connects and runs just fine.
2] Start rxvt. Try "DoD" again. It gets about halfway through its
startup process, then hangs.
3] Quit rxvt and try again. "DoD" works fine.
I tried the same procedure with the regular Cygwin bash shell, and
it behaves the same way.
Do you mean that the regular Cygwin bash shell makes DoD hang too? As in,
start a Command Prompt, run cygwin.bat from it, and DoD still hangs?
More or less. I have a shortcut with the following:
D:\WINNT\system32\CMD.EXE /c D:\cygwin\cygwin.bat
And that makes DoD hang just like rxvt does.
Any ideas on what it could be?
A WAG, and I may be really off on this: Cygwin uses TCP/IP sockets (which
essentially require a TCP/IP port) to emulate Unix domain sockets. If
rxvt reserves a Unix domain socket (even if it's not using X), and DoD
tries to access the same port, because it's somehow predefined and it
expects it to be free, there could be a conflict. I can't think of
anything else in Cygwin that would interfere with a (presumably)
non-Cygwin application.
Well, unless the regular bash shell does it too, that probably isn't
correct. Like I said, it is very weird and it took me some time to
figure it out.
The "regular bash" that you tried is really a login shell. That *can*
run X-related stuff, e.g., from /etc/profile.d scripts. A real test would
be to try a non-login bash (just run "c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -i" from a
CMD prompt). If that doesn't interfere with DoD, it would make my WAG
more probable. Otherwise we'll have to look for other possible reasons.
Okay, I tried it this way too, and it still hangs DoD. FWIW, running
MSYS (MinGW's bash), does not hang DoD.
Very Odd.
Jonathan Arnold (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
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