Oh for the love of me, DeFaria:

> >> Please do not try to express a false legal opinion to justify a 
> >> faulty personal one.
> >
> > I am expressing no legal opinion. I am merely stating the 
> obvious: if 
> > there's no potty-mouth there to offend, nobody can be 
> offended by the 
> > potty-mouth. Do you disagree with this axiom?
> We have not established that either. Again it is your assertion.
Ok, I'll chalk this one up to you not having completed any mathematics
classes requiring you to do proofs yet (I think they start once you get to
high school, so consider this a learning experience):

An axiom is a basic statement of fact assumed to be true because of its
obviousness.  It is obviously true that if A does not exist, nobody could be
offended by A.  For any and all definitions of A.

Now, Mr. DeFaria, do you or do you not agree with that axiom?

Gary R. Van Sickle

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