On Tue, Dec 28, 2004 at 11:31:00PM +0100, Stephane Donze wrote:
>I am sorry to have to say that, but your message is a very good example 
>of the fundamental difference between a project that is useable and 
>reliable, and a project that "almost works" and will never do more that 
>If you guys want cygwin to be used by real people, in real life 
>production or development environments, you should go a bit further than 
>"I don't have the problem on my computer, so fix it yourself". If you 
>don't want to or are not able to pay attention to "real world" bugs, 
>cygwin  will probably never be more than an "almost working" program 
>that runs on your computer the time to take nice screenshots, but fails 
>miserably when users try to make it work in the real life.

You know, if you'd just waited *a week*, you probably could have laid
claim to being the first posting of this type in 2005 rather than
(hopefully) the last of 2004.  I think that being first is usually much
more auspicious.

So close...

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