GHDL is a VHDL simulator, using the GCC technology (
Did somebody tried to build it on cygwin. I had a lot of problems. >From a technical point of view, GHDL is a GCC front-end: it compiles VHDL files into objects files, like GCC does for C, C++, Fortran or Ada95 files. GHDL does not generate intermediate C files. GHDL is written in Ada95. I use the GNAT compiler (the GCC Ada compiler) to create the binary image. The GHDL source includes AGCC, an Ada binding for interfacing with GCC. The GHDL run-time library is written in Ada95 too. It uses some of the Ada95 and GNAT packages. Where can I get the right GNAT and GCC for cygwin. -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ: