Hi.  I just installed Cygwin on an IBM laptop running Windows XP.
Whenever I bring up a Cygwin shell, I get the following error:

 bash: /etc/profile: line 196: syntax error: unexpected end of file

I don't see any problem with /etc/profile:

  190     echo "mkpasswd -l -d > /etc/passwd"
  191     echo "mkgroup  -l -d > /etc/group"
  192     echo
  193     echo "This message is only displayed once (unless you recreate 
  194     echo "and can be safely ignored."
  196     # only display the above once
  197     cp -f /etc/group ${HOME}/group.mkgroup_l_d \
  198     && ( [ -w /etc/group ] || chmod --silent a+w /etc/group ; )\
  199     && sed -e 's/^mkgroup_l_d/mkgroup-l-d/' ${HOME}/group.mkgroup_l_d > 
/etc/group \

In fact, this /etc/profile file is identical to the /etc/profile files
in other Cygwin installations I have done recently, and do not
generate the error quoted above.

Can someone tell me how to fix this problem?



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Maybe it's just me, but this line:

  199     && sed -e 's/^mkgroup_l_d/mkgroup-l-d/' ${HOME}/group.mkgroup_l_d > 
/etc/group \

looks strikingly suspicious. Are there lines following 199 or does that end? If 
you notice, at the end of the line is the \ character which tells the 
interpreter to expect another line. if you're missing it, it could be the cause 
of an unexpected EOF error.


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