"Gerrit P. Haase" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Tuesday, November 02, 2004 at
3:38 PM -0800 wrote:
>> launch a windows app that should run on that remote (or host, can never
>> keep that syntax straight) box.  (In other words a server runs an app
>> of the time, but not as a service.  That app needs restarting for
>> reason and I'm on the road.  I can dial in with my pocketpc and get an
>> session going to that server, at that point I'd want to kill that app,
>> easy, then I need to restart that app so it will stay running on that
>> server even after I disconnect my ssh session.
>> How do I do that???
>VNC through a tunnel?

Yes, but really trying to find a solution that works when I can't or don't
want to use a gui Remote control app.


Mark Stuhr
Director of Inf. Tech.

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