> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Andrew DeFaria
> Sent: 04 October 2004 19:19

> Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:
> >> How many people have heard The Two Rules of Customer Service?
> >>
> >> 1. The customer is always right.
> >
> The customer is indeed *NOT* always right but the trick is usually to 
> make them *think* there always right.
> >> 2. When the customer is wrong, refer to rule #1.
> >
> > Everybody. How many have worked with actual customers and found out 
> > that their reputed infallability is vastly overestimated?
> >
> > More to the point: How much did you pay for that Cygwin there? $0? 
> > Then you ain't a customer.
> The best answer to this WRT most Open Source is: If you are 
> dissatisfied 
> with the application then I suggest that you take it back for 
> a *FULL*  refund! ;-)

  Hell, Open source is _far_ more generous than that.  If he's dissatisfied with
the application, not only can he have his *FULL* refund, but in fact we'll refund
him *DOUBLE*!  And he can KEEP the app as well!  We won't even insist on having it

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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