On Oct 14 21:32, Soeren Nils Kuklau wrote:
> 1) We've looked at `cygrunsrv', and it appears to be a convenient tool 
> for setting our daemon up as an NT service.  For people that do not have 
> Cygwin installed, can we just distribute `cygrunsrv' as stand-alone tool 
> to go inside our daemon's working directory?

That's possible, but see below.

> 2) Similarly, what about distributing `cygwin1.dll' - I am aware of the 
> "dllpath hell" problem this causes; what is the preferred option here?

The preferred option is to ask the user to install a standard Cygwin
installation from cygwin.com, using the Cygwin setup tool.  Then your
application can rely on the standard Cygwin install.

> 3) Cross-posting from the other mail: I also found rather little 
> documentation on `cygrunsrv'. The bundled README file comprehensively 
> lists possible arguments, but appears to assume that the daemon to be 
> run is inside the Cygwin root directory (such as C:\Cygwin), whereas we 
> believe it would make more sense to distribute our package for 
> installation inside Windows' Program Files folder. Does `cygrunsrv' 
> understand Windows-like paths, or can we rely on a `/cygdrive/c/Program\ 
> Files/'-like path structure?

cygrunsrv is made as a tool to support a Cygwin installation.  cygrunsrv
itself requires the Cygwin DLL and it's designed to start Cygwin-linked
applications.  If you're going to install a service which is outside the
Cygwin installation tree, you can rely on the standard Cygwin install
to request some information.  E. g., the cygdrive prefix isn't hardcoded
to /cygdrive, but you can call `mount -p' in an installation script to
get the valid path prefix.

> 4) Finally, a coding issue: We use SHA1 hashing for passwords. During 
> linking, we get:
> obj/alstring.o(.text+0x316):alstring.c: undefined reference to `_SHA1'
> LDFLAGS are: -lpthread -lcrypto
> Are we missing a specific Cygwin package?

Probably openssl-devel.


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