> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of luke.kendall
> Sent: 12 October 2004 09:00

> The registry contained the key 
> HKCU->Software->Cygnus Solutions->Cygwin->mounts v2-> with nothing (to
> be precise: Name (Default), Type REG_SZ, Data (value not set)).
> But deleting the Cygnus Solutions tree doesn't help.

  Sounds like you forgot to delete the same tree under HKLM then?

> I just tried again, except not deleting the download directory, and
> this time it checks the md5 signatures, shows that it had 
> just finished
> checking MD5 for _update-info-dir-00230-1, the alert panel with the
> window-title of "mount" pops up and says:
> "Cannot create a file when that file exists." (Okay).
> and setup then exits.
> I should also add that I've tried a reboot in between.

  Well, what went wrong in the first place was presumably a dll-clash
between the two cygwin dlls, which had the consequence of messing up _all_
of the postinstall scripts that setup.exe usually runs to take care of
creating some very vital parts of infrastructure.  Although the old cygwin
dll has now gone, what you were left with was a *very* damaged fragmentary
cygwin install.  But as long as you've correctly deleted all trace of it,
you should have no subsequent trouble.  That means removing the cygwin
install dir, the setup downloaded files dir, and _both_ registry keys.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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