Hallo Robin,

>> Yes, but you cannot build PHP with fastcgi and Apache support at the
>> same time, so there should be several packages, runtime for every
>> webserver available (currently only lighttpd) plus one common
>> package (devel stuff).

> Can you expand a little on that? Do you mean something like:

> php-common
> php-cgi
> php-apache
> php-devel
> Etc. ?

mod_php for Apache and fastcgi PHP builds are to independant builds
from the same source with different configure options, so we need at
least two build scripts in the source package or one which handles
this conditionally, depnding on user request.

> Can cgi php use the same modules as mod_php? Should we build statically?

PHP can use all extensions it is written for, you probably want to
connect PostgreSQL or MySQL databases, if you use one or another
webserver.  It is just not possible to build CGI version and embedded
version at the same time.

>> > I imagine most of the problems arise when trying to decide on a
>> > standard set of modules to be included with the "standard" php
>> > package. Or is it possible to package php modules separately, e.g.
>> > the postgres, ssl, imap, etc.?
>> Just include everything possible seems to be ok;)  There should be all
>> important modules which are really needed, e.g. database modules for
>> mysql and pgsql, sqlite and others, all graphic stuff possible (GD,
>> JPEG, PNG, ...), cryptographic stuff like openssl, mhash, ...,
>> compression, pear, XML/XSLT, pdflib, PSPELL?  Well you see, one cannot
>> say which extension is important and which isn't, just try to use
>> every available extension seems to be ok IMO.

> That would be OK if all the extensions are built as modules, but building
> everything into one php executable would make it pretty big, wouldn't it?

Yes, extension should be shared modules if possible so one can decide
if they are loaded or not to keep the footprint smaller.


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