On Fri, Sep 17, 2004 at 07:15:21AM -0700, Brian Dessent wrote:
>Dave Korn wrote:
>>>>information at http://cygwin.com/faq/faq_2.html#SEC19 (How
>>>and remove all entries from the mount table ("umount -a")
>>The advice in the faq to delete
>>"...The registry tree `Software\Cygnus Solutions' under
>>obviates the need to umount anything manually, doesn't it?>
>Just doing my part in the "cgf crusade against manually editing the
>registry", really...

Thanks.  I guess the FAQ could say something about using umount -a
but "umount -a" doesn't (yet) remove the Cygwin registry entries
so you couldn't get a clean install without actually going into
the registry.

...and just imagine the feeling of empowerment! You've edited the
registry! You're practically a hacker at that moment.  Well, you're at
least a programming guru...


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