At 10:59 PM 9/14/2004, you wrote:
>Additional info:
>I meant to say "gcc 3.3.1, 3.3.3, and 3.4.1" in my first email.
>I am running Windows XP, SP1.  
>I compiled and tested the boehm-gc that's under the GNU gcc project's source tree 
>(used by the GNU java compiler), and it also fails the gctest with Cygwin 1.5.11-1, 
>but works with Cygwin 1.5.10-3.

Looks like you skipped reading 

>Problem reports:

It has the guidelines for the requested information that goes with 
problem reports, such as 'cygcheck' output.  Probably not really an
absolute requirement in this case but it answers any basic questions
for those who may look at this problem.

>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/14/04 04:26PM >>>


>At 10:24 PM 9/14/2004, you wrote:
>>It appears that Cygwin 1.5.11-1 break the Hans Boehm-gc (garbage collector), v6.2 
>>and v6.3. 
>>The gctest test application of the the boehm-gc runs correctly (it shows a passed 
>>result) compiled with gcc 3.3.1, 3.3.1, and 3.4.1
>>under Cygwin 1.5.10-3.  But the gctest application does not run correctly compiled 
>>with any of those gcc versions under the current Cygwin, Cygwin 1.5.11-1.
>>I searched the mailing list archive, but I did not find any mention of this problem. 
>> But another cygwin user that I know has found the same problem.  Is there a known 
>>fix for this issue?
>This problem has not been reported previously.  

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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