BTW -- just wanted to thank <whoever> again (since I don't know that my first thank got through) for the expandable window size in setup...I know it's been there a while, but wanted to remention it anyway since I was thinking about setup.
Since some fair number of people (including myself) do use the cygwin fs root set at C:\, and having done so over win98,me,2000 and xp I've, personally, never ran into any problems, I was wondering if anyone else *had* run into problems having Cygroot=C:\ ?
I did run into a problem on a friend's system when I decided to take the
more conservative approach and install cygwin in the non-root of his
system -- since it wasn't my sys and didn't want to go against the "suggestion"
of the cygwin installer...but in using his system after that, not having
the two roots be synonomous has been nothing but a pain. find commands, locate
and such that used to work from root now no longer work as expected. I can't
access the whole system the way I was used's more like cygwin is
installed into a separate little compartment over to the side, whereas when
I install it in root, I am more often using it as a OS adjunct/layer, as,
I _think_, many people are.
So I was wondering -- is that warning really _necessary_? and if it is, maybe
it is only necessary when creating a new install and not running an update
on an existing install each time?
Just a minor idea... -linda
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