> -----Original Message-----
> From: Keith Christian 
> Sent: 03 September 2004 15:27
> To: Dave Korn

  Oops!  We should always keep questions and replies on the list - that way
they're there in the web archive for anyone else in future who comes along
with the same problem....

> Thanks - one more question - What if the mirror the original 
> mirror was
> created from is temporarily unavailable?
> Example: This morning, the previous mirror was not available:
> cygwin_install/dist/ftp%3a%2f%2fftp.nas.nasa.gov%2fmirrors%2fc
> ygwin.com%2fpub%2fcygwin
> So I chose mirrors.kernel.org which created this directory:
> cygwin_install/dist/ftp%3a%2f%2fmirrors.kernel.org%2fsources.r
> edhat.com%2fcygwin
> Further:
> 1. Suppose the local download directory of ftp.nas.nasa.gov 
> had version 1.1 of
> package foo.
> 2. Suppose another local download directory of 
> ftp.nas.nasa.gov had a more
> recent version 1.2 of package foo.
> 3. Suppose package foo is still at version 1.2 on any up to 
> date Cygwin
> mirror.
> Then: Does SETUP.EXE check all existing local directories to see which
> contains the most up to date version of a file before 
> bothering to download it
> again? 


>  Does SETUP.EXE check only the local directory that 
> matches the mirror
> it is currently connected to?


  By design, setup searches through all the download directories, keeps
track of all the versions, should know exactly what you've already got and
never re-download something you already have; if it ever does, it's a bug.

  There is one caveat: if setup dies - actually crashes or is killed -
part-way through downloading a whole series of packages, it may not have
updated its catalog by the time it gets terminated, and so it might download
them again.  But once setup has downloaded and exited successfully, it
should know and remember what it's done and not do it again.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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