Hello from Gregg C Levine
Here's a funny thing that's been happening ever since I installed Cygwin
here, and subscribed to this list:
cat: /tmp/mc-Gregg: No such file or directory
cat: C: No such file or directory
cat: Levine/mc.pwd.1992: No such file or directory
As all of you can see, the program is attempting to parse the name that tmp
lives in, inside my Documents and Setting folder, and then inside the local
settings folder. And since the folder with my name on it is considered a
"system folder", with those requirements and privleges, I can't rename it.
What's interesting, is that it works normally, except for activities
regarding access to the tmp directory. Are there any work arounds? If I'm
bringing this to the wrong list, then I'll be happy to resend it to the
proper one.
Gregg C Levine landocalrissian atsign att dot net 
"This signature asks, "Where am I?"."

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