Might we be able to update the FAQ with this information?
On Aug 26, 2004, at 11:22 PM, Gernot Hillier wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 25. August 2004 13:07 schrieb Gernot Hillier:
how to re-build Cygwin core package?
Just as reference for others - I now did it this way:
1. Install Cygwin 2004-06-24, start bash
2. Unpack the Cygwin core source package:
tar xvjf /cygdrive/e/release/cygwin/cygwin-1.5.10-3-src.tar.bz2
3. Apply the needed patch (from
cd cygwin-1.5.10-3/winsup/cygwin && patch -p0 < /path/to/root.diff
4. It's necessary to build Cygwin in an extra path, so create one and
to it:
cd ../../.. && mkdir obj && cd obj
5. To avoid Cygwin to overwrite the files of your make environment, an
prefix is used:
../cygwin-1.5.10-3/configure --prefix=/fake/usr --sysconfdir=/fake/etc
--libexecdir=/fake/usr/sbin --localstatedir=/fake/var \
--datadir=/fake/usr/share --mandir=/fake/usr/share/man \
6. Build and install the new Cygwin to the install prefix path given
make && make install
7. Remove debug symbols from all executables:
cd /fake && find . -type f -exec strip {} \;
8. Correct some file locations:
mv usr/i686-pc-cygwin/bin/* usr/bin/
mv usr/i686-pc-cygwin/lib/* usr/lib/
rm -rf usr/i686-pc-cygwin/bin usr/i686-pc-cygwin/lib usr/etc
mv usr/i686-pc-cygwin/* usr/
9. Create the w32api package:
tar cjf w32api-20040624-1.tar.bz2 usr/include/w32api usr/lib/w32api
10. Remove the files which belong to the w32api package from our tree:
rm -rf /fake/usr/include/w32api /fake/usr/lib/w32api
11. Create the mingw-runtime package:
tar cjf mingw-runtime-20040624-1.tar.bz2 usr/bin/mingwm10.dll \
usr/doc/mingw-runtime usr/include/mingw usr/lib/mingw
12. Remove the files which belong to the w32api package from our tree:
rm -rf /fake/usr/bin/mingwm10.dll /fake/usr/doc/mingw-runtime \
/fake/usr/include/mingw /fake/usr/lib/mingw
13. Remove files which are distributed with other packages (but are
in the cygwin source package for boot-strapping) or should not be
at all:
rm -rf /fake/usr/include/iconv.h # comes also with libiconv
rm -rf /fake/usr/include/unctrl.h # comes also with libncurses-devel
rm -rf /fake/usr/share/info/configure.info-1 # auto-created by info
rm -rf /fake/usr/lib/libiberty.a # comes also with binutils
14. Three files were not built and would need extra effort (i.e.
other libraries be-fore the Cygwin package). Take them from the already
installed Cygwin distribution:
cp /usr/bin/dumper.exe usr/bin/
cp /usr/share/info/libc.info usr/share/info/
cp /usr/share/info/libm.info usr/share/info/
15. Finally, the cygwin package itself can be created:
tar cjf cygwin-20040624-1.tar.bz2 etc/ usr/
16. Now, the created packages can be moved to the Cygwin installation
to release/cygwin/, release/mingw-runtime/ and release/w32api/ and the
names, sizes and md5sums in setup.ini modified accordingly so that
will in-stall the new core packages in the future.
HTH anyone...
Gernot Hillier
Siemens AG, Mch P
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