Now, this may be old news for many of you, but I'm new to cygwin, so please 
don't shoot. I'd be happy if someone would post me a link to the solution.

I'm doing quite strightforward matching using regular expressions in perl (as 
you can see below) and the code used to work just fine on the ActiveState perl, 
but behaves very strange with cygwin Perl:

unless ($page =~ /<a href="\#" onClick="window\.open\('(popBibTex.cfm\?.+?)',/s)

It simply does not match. I tried playing around, cuting certain suspicios 
parts, and here is what I found out:

unless ($page =~ /on\Click="window\.open\('(popBibTex.cfm\?.+?)',/s)

this does match. (notice the \ before C)

What's up? (::confused;)

I'm runing Win_XP_Pro/SP2, just installed Cygwin (and all 
tools/packages/modules that were available through the web install utility).

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