> I'm running Cygwin 1.5.10 on Windows XP Pro, Apache 1.3.29 (Cygwin),
> gawk 3.1.3 included with Cygwin, and curl 7.11.1 (i686-pc-cygwin). I
> wrote a simple CGI in gawk:
> #!/bin/gawk -f
>         print "Content-type: text/plain\n"
>         cmd = "curl -s http://www.bates.edu/ils";
>         #cmd = "awk 'BEGIN{print "Hello World"}'"
>         #cmd = "ls -l"
>         while(( cmd|getline )>0) print $0
> }
> If run from the command line, this works fine. If called from a web browser, the
> result is empty and the httpd error_log often says:

what happens if you give the full paths to curl and awk, rather than just
assuming they're in the path?


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