No, actually it's not limited to mysql, although that is what I was originally trying 
to do.
I have also tried the same code attempting to connect to port 80 on localhost - which 
ought to work.  I've also tried port 110 at my isp which ought to work.  Both work 
from the bash prompt.  Neither works when running under apache/cgi.

Any other ideas worth trying?  Is there any way to make sure I have sufficient 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pablo Marin Garcia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2004 02:46 PM
> Subject: Re: Socket problem w/ apache & perl cgi - and mysql
> On Fri, 31  Jul 2004, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> >> [david] I have a snippet of perl code that runs fine at the bash prompt
> but fails
> >> when run under apache as a cgi app.
> Hello Igor and David
> I have had also the same problem one month ago and I was unable to solve
> it and ended using the windows IIS.
> I guess that David is using mysql (port 3306 by default).
> In my case (and probably david if he is using mysql) the problem is not
> the apache itself. My apache works ok and the cgi also. ONLY fails trying
> to connect to the mysql.
> My scripts run ok outside the apache but fail inside the cygwin apache (in
> my unix machines run ok).
> I am using the cygwin mysql client with the w32 mysql server.
> The same happens if I am using the w32 apache using the cygwin
> perl->cygwin mysql client.
>  ------------- EXCEPTION  -------------
>  MSG: Could not connect to database xx user yy using
> [DBI:mysql:database=xx;host=;port=3306] as a locator
>  ** Can't create TCP/IP socket (1) **
>  --------------------------------------
> >At a guess, you're getting this because Apache runs as a service (i.e.,
> >the user, "nobody" by default, may not have enough rights).
> >        Igor
> >--
> >
> In my case, I am NOT running httpd as as service. It has been started from
> a shell login as windows admin user. From ps, the httpd is running with my
> user UID
> I would apreciate if someone could point me out where I could found useful
> info to try to solve this problem.
> should I have to add mysql and apache usr and group to my password and 
> group files as in unix?
> Apart of the cygwin utilities section in the user guide, someone knows 
> where can i learn more about setting privilegies in cygwin in order to run
> services in a safe mode (or at least not quite unsafe).
> regards.
> ------- versions:
> perl                    5.8.2-1
> apache                  1.3.29-2
> mysql  Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.20, for pc-cygwin (i686)
> Server version:         4.0.20a-debug
>   653k 2004/05/17 c:\mysql\bin\cygwinb19.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
>                   "cygwinb19.dll" v0.0 ts=1998/7/15 18:50
>  $  uname -a
> CYGWIN_NT-5.1 argyrodes 1.5.10(0.116/4/2) 2004-05-25 22:07 i686 unknown
> unknown Cygwin
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> --
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