At 01:15 AM 7/28/2004, you wrote:
>a few weeks ago I asked about what
>mount commands to use in order to
>simulate the set-up I had on an
>older version of Cygwin which had
>textmode as the default for opening
>I did not explicitly change
>the default mount settings from
>that version, which it reports
>c: on /cygdrive/c type user (textmode, noumount)

This just states that applications that have not explicitly
stated whether a file should be opened as text or binary will
open files found under /cygdrive/c as text, presuming a later
mount with a more specific path doesn't override this setting.
It won't set any and all applications to use text mounts by 
default.  It's a useful "hack" for porting.  But an application
should be properly ported so that using these mounts is a no-op

>with the latest version that I have
>upgraded to however, there is no
>combination of mount commands that
>I can find that allows me to open
>all files in textmode by default
>in particular, if I mount / to be
>textmode, I can get this behavior
>only if I use the full absolute
>path of the file I am opening,
>but if I use a relative path
>specification, file is opened
>as binary data
>it would be great if I could set
>the CYGWIN environment variable to
>nobinmode in order to avoid this
>problem (and also to avoid having
>to set up mounts for every other
>drive besides C: that I might use),
>but doing so seems to have no effect
>I am not sure if this is a problem
>with how I am doing it, or if that
>setting for the environment variable
>is no longer honored
>someone who replied to my earlier
>post on this topic said that I
>should not expect the Cygwin
>module to support nobinmode
>in the environment variable
>yet the lastest documentation I
>can find in the download package
>seems to indicate that this is
>supposed to still be a viable option

It is.  But your desired use doesn't match it's functionality.
See <>.

>any clarification on either of
>these 2 related points would be

If the above isn't enough for you, I think you need to provide a clear 
example of what you're doing with information about your environment if you want 
further comment/clarification.  See <> 
for more details on how to proceed here.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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