On Jul 28 09:15, Holger Schmidt wrote:
> We got two machines (WinNT 4.0 and Win2K) which uses a specified directory
> on a netware drive. On both machines runs the same cygwin (1.5.10-3).
> I "touch" a file from the NT-machine to the netware-drive ("test1").
> When I try to remove it with "rm" no problem appears.
> Again I "touch" a file from the NT-machine to the netware-drive ("test2").
> I tried to remove it with the 2k-machine and nothing appears. "rm" finish
> correctly, but the file "test2" still exists and no error message is
> displayed.
> Then I tried to remove it with the NT-machine and the same problem as on the
> 2k-machine appears.
> Even with a Windows application (equal if NT or 2k) the file "test2" can not
> be erased (a message appears "used by another application").
> After waiting a couple of minutes (don't know how long) the file can be
> erased with "rm" from the NT-machine or with windows itself. But not from
> the 2k-machine. (what kind of timer blocks the file ?)
> If I "touch" the file from the 2k-machine, it also can not be erased with
> "rm".
> Can anybody help me, please?

Check the permissions after running touch.  Anything weird?  Did you try
the latest Cygwin snapshot from http://cygwin.com/snapshots ?  There's one
patch in it which *might* have to do with it, but I wouldn't bet.

> Oh, I forgot: It's also not possible to overwrite the file. I made "strace"s
> on both machines but found nothing of interest.



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