At 11:31 AM 7/17/2004, you wrote:
>Hello *
>Problem: Cygwin is installed with very restrictive Permissions
>         / and directories below have only access rights for the installing user
>    no one else ...
>         Selected was a "shared" install, not user specific
>- is there any script or workaround to get correct permissiens for cygwin tree ?
>-remark: i installed as a privileged user with adminprivs
>         but the user is a user configured on a domain controller
>         not as local admin. 
>         I have all admin privileges on install host !
>This seems have led to two problems: 
>all group perms are shown as mkgroup
>all files / dirs belong to my account and have complete restrictive perms
>In list mails i found as workaround: create e.g. c:cygwin before install and give 
>permissions to users, then install. Is there any other solution to avoid reinstall
>or how can i understand the reasons ...

Sure.  Make sure your '/etc/passwd' and '/etc/group' files contain the 
local and domain groups and users you need (see 'man mkpasswd' and 'man
mkgroup' for details on the '-l' and '-d' flags).  Then use the '-R' 
flag to 'chmod' and/or 'chgrp' on '/' to set your permissions and/or
ownerships the way you want them.  You'll need to do this as the privileged

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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