At 12:38 PM 6/28/2004, you wrote:

>i'm trying to link a cywin's dll (gtk-x11 dll taken from
>, with a win32 mvscrt
>I understand that there probably will be problems related to cygwin1.dll
>msvcrt.dll imcompatibility. 

Oh, if only that was your worst problem...

>I would like to know if someone tried this
>kind of thing before, and if there are any special things to do.
>I did not find anything usefull on google and in cygwin faq, so i am
>interested by any link related to this.

This really isn't going to work well for you.  However, I'll point you 
to this thread if you want to play around with it:


But really, there is no support in the Cygwin DLL for doing this kind of 
thing.  If you're seriously interested in this stuff, you should consider
adding such support to Cygwin itself. 

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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