* Erik Weibust (2004-06-25 16:45 +0200)
> I just had my XP machine at work rebuilt and the first
> thing I went to install was cygwin.  I went with a
> complete "everything" install.

Not so clever. You won't need anything so this approach will obfuscate
your problem.

> The problem is the same one I've seen before.  When the install is
> complete I run the shortcut to start cygwin and get a vague message
> that makes me think the install didn't "go so well".

Error messages should always be cited in full - not some vague
interpretation of you.
> The work around is easy.  I edit /etc/passwd in
> notepad and change what cygwin uses for $HOME from
> /cygdrive/h to /home/erikweibust.

You open /etc/passwd in *NOTEPAD*?!! Notepad is the unappropriate tool
for that possible. It doesn't even understand Unix line endings.
> /home/erikweibust was not created as part of the
> install.  I think I've had it created before on other
> machines on the "first use" of cygwin.  I'm not sure
> why I get this problem.  Is cygwin trying to use some
> XP env vars on it's first start?


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