Dear Igor Pechtchanski,

--Monday, June 21, 2004, 7:34:33 PM, you wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>>  1. I did DLL, it works fine with cygwin application.
>>  2. If I try to use it from native application it hangs on LoadLibrary.
>>  3. I did DllMain function with impure_ptr initialization and finally
>>     compiled as described in FAQ.
>>  4. Now  DLL loads and simple functions (for example strcpy()/ctrcat()
>>     based) work OK, but any "syscall" from DLL to cygwin function (for
>>     example printf()) causes NULL pointer reference.
>>  Is subj possible? May be some additional initialization is required?

IP> Does <> help?

No.  I  do  not  want to compile application with cygwin1.dll. I want to
load library dynamically. But I'll look into crt code anyway.

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