> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of John Cooper
> Sent: 15 June 2004 15:05
> To: cygwin
> Subject: RE: Ctrl-Z fails to suspend Windows programs
> The old native (non-cygwin) port of zsh would somehow detect 
> if it was about to
> exec a Windows app, and run it as a background process, thus 
> returning a zsh
> prompt immediately.  Could something like this be added to 
> cygwin bash/zsh?

  AFAICS the ability is already there.  Just enter "windows_app.exe &" at a
bash shell.

> This was very useful.  With the cygwin zsh, I often find 
> myself invoking a
> Windows app and not being able to get back to the shell 
> window without first
> terminating the Windows app.

Well, the same goes if you run a cygwin app: you don't get the prompt back
until it exits.
The point is that it's not about cygwin-vs-windoze apps.  It's about
apps-that-use-console-stdin-and-stdout vs. apps-that-display-a-gui; those
that show a gui could usefully be detached, but those that read their input
from stdin will break if the shell detaches them.  I don't think there's a
reliable enough mechanism by which a shell could detect one case from the

Try starting insight (gui version of gdb) from the bash prompt.  You also
won't get a shell back until it exits.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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