At 12:59 PM 6/5/2004, you wrote:

>In trying to debug code with gdb, any program taking stdin on the command line 
>complains that tty (keyboard) is already taken by gdb, so it can't use tty.  Is there 
>a way that you can get the input data into the program other than stdin; or force it 
>in with stdin?
>Example of problem:
>$ gdb suresamp
>GNU gdb 2003-09-20-cvs (cygwin-special)
>Copyright ...
>(gdb) r < /home/work/
>Starting program: /usr/local/cwp/bin/suresamp.exe < /home/work/
>/usr/local/cwp/bin/suresamp: fgettr.c: segy input can't be tty
>Program exited with code 01.
>suresamp (and other programs that use stdin) works fine when not in debug (gdb) mode 
>(because gdb isn't using tty).
>This may be a cygwin only issue, as it works on a linux sun box.

I tried this with 'cat', not specifying a file, and found I could type in
and see my input echoed back fine (just like outside 'gdb').  Does that 
reproduce for you?  Does trying that with 'suresamp.exe' give you different

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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